Virtual functions at construction

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What is translated > Types > Records, Classes, Interfaces > Class > Constructors > Problems with constructors > Virtual functions at construction


Another problem with constructors is that calls of virtual functions inside of constructors are allowed in Delphi, but in C++ such calls should be avoided


As example the TPolygon class and the derived classes TTriangle and TSquare as defined here


can be taken:


  TPolygon = class



     procedure setArea; Virtual; Abstract;  // Cannot code until sides known



  TTriangle = class(TPolygon)


    procedure setArea; override;   // Override the abstract method



  TSquare = class(TPolygon)


    procedure setArea; override;   // Override the abstract method



constructor TPolygon.Create(sides, length : Integer);







In Delphi the setAres-procedure of the derived classes will be called in their constructors. With C++Builder this works well too, but other C++ compilers always try to call the setArea-procedure of TPolygon. Manual post-processing is necessary then. E.g. setArea could be made accessible and called after construction:


triangle = new TTriangle(3, 10);






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