Meta information

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Delphi has special capabilities to use runtime type information (RTTI) There are class methods that operate on class references instead of objects and which use this information.


C++ Builder has special language extensions and uses the special class TMetaClass to reproduce a part of these capabilities.


In DelphiXE2Cpp11 you can enable the type option to create meta-classes. Then starting with TObject/TD2CObject a hierarchy of static type objects is created for each class and it's ancestors. These objects can be used for example as parameters to create more instances of their classes inside of functions. But this is possible only as far as the classes have standard constructors. For C++Builder the use is even lower, because the existing classes, which are derived from TObject are excluded from this hierarchy and the part of the Delphi RTTI, which is reproduced in C++Builder doesn't fit together with this approach very well.

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